UT Health RGV
Behavioral Health
Why Choose UT Health RGV Behavioral Health (Harlingen)?
Our behavioral health clinic, located at the Instituite of Neuroscience in Harlingen, has an expert team of board-certified psychiatrists, professional counselors, and licensed therapists ready to care for your mental and behavioral health.
We offer treatments for PTSD, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and other conditions. Services include mental health screenings, psychotherapy, substance abuse counseling, and more.
At UT Health RGV, our behavioral health team is dedicated to providing you with the highest level of compassionate patient care.

Hours & Directions
Conditions and Treatments
Insurance Accepted
UT Health RGV currently accepts most major health insurance carriers. We may participate in some, but not all, products offered by an individual or group health plan.
To verify that we accept your particular insurance plan, please call the UT Health RGV Patient Communication Center at 1-833-UTRGVMD (1-833-887-4863).

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